Thursday, August 20, 2020

A UU Minister on Being a Humanist and a Christian

The video below was taken from the Sunday morning service at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, popularly known as 'Sunnyhill.' In it, the Rev. Jim Magaw explains how he sees himself as both a Humanist and Christian. He's clear enough that by 'Humanist' he means that people are able and responsible to form their own beliefs. Although I see my Humanism as a bit more specific, in that I am clear that ethics can and should be formed independent of a belief in any deities, I see myself on the same page with him anyway. The part about Christianity doesn't do a lot for me. While I am a Unitarian Universalist with a Humanist outlook, and it's true that I enjoy studying the Abrahamic tradition and using imagery from its scripture to outline or highlight some views, I wouldn't say I'm a Humanist and Christian. Fortunately, as a UU I'm not required to sort all that out and explain it neatly to anyone, unless I want to do so.

In any event, I enjoyed this message, and maybe you will too. 

Note: If the video doesn't display for you, click here and advance to around 27:45.